Friday, November 1, 2013

not a test !

well, today in class we took a test on the different religions. i think and know that i did TERRIBLE. the test/quiz had lots of information from the last unit/test like the languages of countries and the countries that share different languages and conflicts between countries etc.. i pretty much understand the christian religion and i think i got those questions right on the test but all the others... yeah didn't do so hot... i came late to class when the rest of the class was reviewing for the test, i am not blaming my bad grade on being late because its my own fault, but a review could have helped. i hope i am able to re-take the test another time for a better grade, but i don't know what Schick will say to that. i hope he will say yes though. some things that i know off the top of my head are that; Christianity is the most populated religion, Buddhism is the smallest, Christianity is based off the teachings and beliefs of Jesus, etc.. the people that practice Judaism are called Jews. well that's it but i really hope Mr. Schick will let me re-take!

1 comment:

  1. You - and the rest of the class - get a retake tomorrow. Be ready, Austin!
