Tuesday, November 19, 2013

new unit

microfinance - Microfinance is a form of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services. In some regions, for example southern africa, microfinance is used to describe the supply of financial service.s to low-income employees, which is closer to the retail finance model prevalent in mainstream banking.
to learn more about microfinance click the following link and watch the video-  http://www.kiva.org/about/microfinance

peace corps -The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the united states government. The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes three goals: providing technical assistance; helping people outside the United States to understand American culture; and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. 
more information on peace corps on the following website-  http://questgarden.com/127/06/6/110922072712/index.htm

today in class we talked about the two definitions above and we had time to explore the websites in depth. the first website we went over was the website that talked all about microfinance and how it is affecting places like Africa, etc.. also on that site there were many links in the process page that took you to other websites about peace corps and how people in eastern africa use there cell phones as a mobile bank, they pay bills, give and recieve loans, all on there phone. in our society we would say that is very common to have that oppurtunity, but when you think and hear eastern Africa, you don't necessarily think technology and cell phones so it is very interesting. anyone who does not know of microfinance they should look at these websites and explore and do the activities as i did

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