Friday, November 8, 2013

world leaders

mexico-president Enrique Pena Nieto, 2nd most powerful man in mexico, he had a law degree in hand when he took his place as president, eldest of four siblings, came from a middle class family

china- Xi jinping, only received ONE vote against him in the election, described as hardworking and down to earth, son of a revolutionary veteran, married folk singer peng liyuan, has a daughter studying at Harvard university in the U.S.

India- president Pranab Mukherjee, became a Gandhi loyalist and is described as her "man for all seasons", takes part in the four-day rituals mirati village, professor and journalist, rated one of the best finance ministers in the world in 1984, had conflicts with rajiv Gandhi and started his on political party

Afghanistan- president Hamid Zarzai, many people plotted to attempt to assassinate Zarzai, recieved many honors and awards in his career from famous government institutions, emerged as a resitance leader under taliban rule and worked to undermine the regimen, versed in several languages, warned the united states about the talibans several times in 2001

Germany- president Joachim Gauck, born of a family of sailors in eastern Germany, wrote on soviet concentration camps, also chancellor Angela merkel, graduated from the university of leiping with a degree in physics and physical chemistry, has been chancellor since 2005, top spot on FORBES for the most powerful women in the world for 8 of the past 10 years

united kingdom- queen Elizabeth the second and David Cameron, first child of the duke of York, she was the third in line for the thrown, Cameron attend a highly exclusive prep school, and the youngest prime minister at the age of 42

France- president Francois Hollande, after his inauguration he was elected prime minister, earned several national and foreign honors, no previous experience in a national government, mother was a social worker and father was a physician

Brazil- president Dilma Rousseff, she overcame cancer during her reign as president (lymphoma) , was married twice in her lifetime (divorced) , tortured in prison for about 21 days, opposed the military dictatorship, degree in economics

Venezuela- president Nicolas Maduro Moros, former bus driver, son of a union leader, after he won a third term, Maduro was selected as vice president
Saudi Arabia- king and prime minister Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, born of a family with 9 other brothers and sisters, commander of the Saudi national guard, 22 children, worth about 21 billion dollars, country made laws for women not having the right to drive

Iran- supreme leader Ali Hoseini- Kahmeni, took part in street protest against the shah of Iran, elected president then re-elected president then became supreme leader

Israel- president Shiman Peres, held several diplomatic and military positions, grew up in his grandfather's home and was educated by him, ordered a nuclear program, considered father of Israel's atomic bomb

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