Thursday, August 29, 2013

today in human geo.

today in human geography we took our attendance, but Mr. Schick could not figure out how to work the power school attendance sheet. then we talked about the blog we were suppose to write last night and how we had to e-mail Mr. Schick the link to our blog. well... only 3 students passed the assignment because no one else (including myself) put a subject in the e-mail so the message got spammed to his junk mail. then we set up our blog profile and how to customize it, we then added a link section to our profile and I got so confused and lost trying to figure out how to do it. the last thing that happened today was that drew realized that he had his phone stolen! then we all tried to give him suggestions as to how to find it. and that was my experience my second day of human Geo class.

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