Friday, August 30, 2013

5 things for jc

my action plan of 5 things I will do to be successful at the john Carroll school.
  1. I will study when ever I have the chance because my parents are paying lots of money for me to go here and I don't want to mess anything up
  2. I will no dig my own grave, or I will choose my friends wisely because if I choose badly they could lead me down a wrong path to success
  3. I will do homework every night because even though it doesn't seem like it, it is very important and is one on those little points that make a letter grade difference at the end of the year
  4. I will follow directions in my classes because if I do any assignment incorrectly it could be a lower score than I expect
  5. I will try my best all the time because this school is an amazing opportunity for me to succeed and for me to be successful in college and in the rest of my life

Thursday, August 29, 2013

today in human geo.

today in human geography we took our attendance, but Mr. Schick could not figure out how to work the power school attendance sheet. then we talked about the blog we were suppose to write last night and how we had to e-mail Mr. Schick the link to our blog. well... only 3 students passed the assignment because no one else (including myself) put a subject in the e-mail so the message got spammed to his junk mail. then we set up our blog profile and how to customize it, we then added a link section to our profile and I got so confused and lost trying to figure out how to do it. the last thing that happened today was that drew realized that he had his phone stolen! then we all tried to give him suggestions as to how to find it. and that was my experience my second day of human Geo class.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

my first day!

my first day at john Carroll was pretty easy going. almost all my classes were just setting up our computers to the teachers websites, not much work except Spanish, were we got down to business right away! but of course our first real day had to be Wednesday, which is the day I only have one free mod so I only get about 20-30 minutes to eat lunch. the short mod was spent in the cafeteria were is sat with my friends. I can easily tell that this is only the first week and it will get a lot harder, the teachers will get more strict, although the schedule and class locations will seem like muscle memory to me, I will be able to automatically know were I need to go at certain times of the day. I loved my first day at john Carroll, I liked all my teachers and they seemed to like me back, they all seemed easy going teachers. I hope my whole freshman year will be as successful as my first day, I hope I like john Carroll through the year like how I liked the first day.