Friday, September 20, 2013

oh man...

well today in human Geo we had our very first test! the multiple choice was very quick and easy, but the 3 essay questions took a very* long time to do. during the essay question my hand started to cramp up i was shaking because was so nervous. i think i did pretty good but you never know i could have got a 100% or a 50% i wont know till Monday I'm hoping i got a 100! globalization seemed like an easy topic to me because it is mainly about companies and chains of companies expanding all over the world. the questions about the ancient Greeks seemed easy but a little bit harder than the other question. over all i thought the first test today was very easy and i also liked how Mr. Schick allowed us to finish computer homework in the back of the room even though he at first said no computers. thanks Mr. Schick, your pretty cool!

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