Thursday, October 31, 2013

religion (blog for today and yesterday)

  • Islam is a monotheistic belief in a god or gods, and is an Abrahamic religion
  • The Qur'an is like our bible, it is considered to be the exact words of god
  • Followers of Islam are called Muslims
  • Muslims mostly live in; Indonesia, Iran, turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India
  • It is a belief that god is one, and the purpose is to love and serve him
  • The belief of Allah 
  • Allah is the one and only god who should be worshiped and obeyed
  • Allah is absolutely and completely perfect to them
  • No one shares divinity with Allah, neither angel nor human
  • Allah never sleeps, gets tired, or dies
  • Humans are not created in Allah's image
  • The five pillars of Islam practice
  • Shahada
  • Salah
  • Seyam
  • Zakat
  • Hajj
  • A religion indigenous to the Indian subcontinent that encompasses a variety of traditions, worshiped/praised Buddha
  • 6% of the world's population is Buddhism
  • Countries that practice Buddhism; china, japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar
  • One of the oldest religions practiced today
  • Based on more practices than beliefs
A Buddha is a person who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions
  • 13,580,000 people in the world are Jews
  • Some leaders of Judaism include the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophet Moses
  • Moses was the main teacher of Judaism
  • There are about 14,500,000 people that follow Judaism
  • There are about 1 billion Hindus
  • Hinduism is the oldest religion
  • Hinduism was formed in 2000 B.C.
  • It was founded in India
  • There deity is polytheistic

Friday, October 11, 2013

quiz day

today in human geo we took a quiz on the population vocab. the material on the quiz i thought was easy, we had to tell what rate of natural increase stood for we had to know what crude death rate and crude birth rate meant, life expectancy, net migration rate, immigration, emmigration, push forces, pull forces, and total fertility rate. RNI is annual growth rate- in percentage form- for a country or region. crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1,000 of the population. crude birth rate is the number of births per 1,000 of the population. life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. net migration is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country. immigration is people entering a coutry. emmigration is people leaving a country. TFR is average number of children born per woman. we also had to know the different types of population pyramids, the cup, triangle, and the box.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Continued from yesterday, today in human geo we continued to watch the documentary about the lost boys of Sudan. We met back up with the boys a year after living in America, they were registered American citizens. Today’s portion was about the first time the boys got turned loose and had to begin to provide for themselves. They had to get jobs, pay their rent, buy their own food, etc. john had 2 jobs at the time, he worked in a factory filling gaskets, and flipping burgers at McDonalds. Panther had found a job at the high end hotel and restaurant 4 seasons. Daniel found a job sorting through checks at a bank in his town. Although they had found jobs and such, they were forced to stop traveling in groups because some mothers and store owners thought that the big group of tall black men was very intimidating. John then received a letter from Sudan saying that his friends were all killed by the government people but his immediate family was alive but were struggling with bad health and no clothes. John then got another job and sent all his paychecks out to Sudan for his family to be well.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

the lost boys

today we watched part of a national geographic documentary about young boys of Africa called the lost boys. these young boys were forced out of there country and forced to walk thousands of miles to a refugee camp in Kenya. they were forced out because their government wanted to kill all the young boys. these boys were tortured, for example in the fields random people would come up to them and take a needle a poke a hole in there testes to cause them to never be able to reproduce when they were older. the united nations then sent a rescue team out for them providing them with food, water, and clothing, some people even got the chance to move to America and try to make a living of there own. these people didn't even know what a shower was so i suppose they would have massive amounts of struggles when they would move to America.