Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today in class we watched more of the video which took a decent fifteen minutes to load. We also talked about how animals played a big part in the early days of the world. They used all different types of animals to do some many different things. They used cows to plow fields, for fur, milk, and for meat too. They used pigs that could be used for meat and small labor. They would primary use animals that could provide them with the most work and goods and usually were feed by grass. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today in class we talked about the Guns Germs And Steel video. We talked about how racial inequality possibly started because of the nutrient advancment and because some people were stuck in an endless cycle of trying to get food and not being able to store any and having a surplus they werent able to advance as well as other nations. So thats why some racrial inequality started because when some europeans came to toher lands that were smaller or not as advanced and saw that they had less technology than them they thought they were inferior to them and that the euorpean/ cacausion race was better

Thursday, January 9, 2014

urban geography

City= a conglomeration of people/buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics.
Urban= the build up of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city

Almost half(50%) of the Earth's population live in urban areas/cites.
A rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world.
Shenzhen, China is an example of a rural area becoming urbanized very quickly. It only took 25 years for that area to totally change.

The first urban revolution:
Before urbanized people often clustered in agricultural villages

urban geography

City= a conglomeration of people/buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics.
Urban= the build up of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city

Almost half(50%) of the Earth's population live in urban areas/cites.
A rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world.
Shenzhen, China is an example of a rural area becoming urbanized very quickly. It only took 25 years for that area to totally change.

The first urban revolution:
Before urbanized people often clustered in agricultural villages

urban geography

City= a conglomeration of people/buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics.
Urban= the build up of the central city and the suburban realm- the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city

Almost half(50%) of the Earth's population live in urban areas/cites.
A rural area can become urbanized quite quickly in the modern world.
Shenzhen, China is an example of a rural area becoming urbanized very quickly. It only took 25 years for that area to totally change.

The first urban revolution:
Before urbanized people often clustered in agricultural villages

Friday, December 13, 2013

exam study guide !


Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013

Things I need to know are in red
1.      Introduction (Excellence)
a.      A Letter to Garcia- definitions and info to know to know; agora, arĂȘte, polis, also I need to know why the letter was written what is it about what happens in it etc.
b.      Socrates/ancient Greeks- why the year 508 bc was important, who was Socrates, his death (detail on why he died), the Socratic method, what “idiot” meant back then, know Socrates famous quote which should be in every human geo essay
c.       Did You Know?/Shift Happens- what was the main point of the video, some examples used in the video, etc.
d.      Globalization- what is globalization, know some examples of what we learned about (Nike)
e.       Infrastructure- what is infrastructure, examples of it, what I know about it

Things to know are in blue
2.      Population and Migration
a.       Population pyramids- what are the different types of pop. Pyramids, what do the different types mean (are they good bad etc.)
b.      crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR- I need to know what these things are, some examples of them, what the acronyms stand for/what they are
c.       immigration/emigration, NMR- I need to know the DIFFERENCE between immigration and emigration, and what NMR stands and what it is
d.      push forces, pull forces- know some examples of pull and push forces and what they mean
e.       developed nations, developing nations- know the difference between developing and developed nations, some examples of them
f.        God Grew Tired of Us- know the main characters in the movie, what it was about, why it was created, what the point of it is

Things to know are in green
3.      Cultural Geography
a.       language (bilingual nations, official language)- what are the different languages, what do they mean, what is the world language for business
b.      major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)- know the different religions, the Abrahamic religions, and the rankings of the religions from most to least popular, know specific differences between the religions
c.       ethnic heritage- know what ethnic heritage is and what it means
Things to know are in orange
4.      Political Geography
a.       Country, nation, state, nation/state- what is a country, nation, state, nation/state, what is the differences between them all, why are they important
b.      World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)- know the 12 different world leaders and what countries they serve, what are their titles, important and interesting facts about each
c.       type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs- same as above, titles, and what kind of government is the state

Things to know are in purple
5.      Economic Geography
a.       Microfinance- know what microfinance is, why it’s important, examples of it, microloan, micro entrepreneur, what are these two things what are they used for, what kinds of people receive these loans, what are the loans used for, bill and Melinda gates, examples of the malaria problem, etc.
b.      Infrastructure- know what infrastructure is, why it’s important, examples used for it, countries used in, etc.
c.       Kiva- know what kiva is, know the average loans sizes and payback rate, what kinds of people are on kiva, how many people a year receive loans, why they use them, basically know the numbers from the quiz on it.
d.      Peace Corps- know what a peace corps is, what are they used for, examples from the peace corps challenge game, what kinds of people are in peace corps, what are they for, etc. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

exam ready !

Today we talked, about how to study for Mr. Schicks exam. He gave us many ways to study such as:
- My blog or Mr. Schicks blog
- Notes
- Old tests

We then went over many things that will be on the test. I need to know all the definitions since the beginning of the year.

  • Total Fertility Rate
  • Crude Death/Birth rate
  • Agora, Socrates, Socratic Method
  • push/pull forces
  • globalization
  • Rate of Natural Increase
  • Immigrants/ Emigrants
  • Christmas tree, Cup, and CupCake - Population Pyramids
  • Baby Boom
  • Cultural Geography
  • Religions
  • Leaders